Hammersmith & Fulham
Safeguarding Adults Board

Local services and resources

Get support from the following services. Some may form part of an intervention.

H&F Adult Social Care

To request a needs assessment to explore what type of support an adult may need to live independently, please complete the H&F Adult Social Care contact form.

If you are concerned that an adult with care and support needs is experiencing abuse or neglect, report your concerns to H&F Adult Social Care.

NHS West London Single Point of Access

For help in advice relating to mental health crisis or emergency, you can call 0800 328 4444 – this is a 24 hour helpline.

For non-urgent support the person should be supported to speak to their GP in the first instance. Other professional referrals can be emailed to wlm-tr.wlmhtspa@nhs.net 

See the WL NHST website to access guidance and the referral form.

H&F Drug & Alcohol Wellbeing Service

This service provides a range of support, from one-to-one key working, group work, prescribing and access to in-patient options. The team will support individuals to build a treatment plan based on your circumstances.

Visit the Turning Point website to find out more.

London Fire Brigade

Access specialist advice, risk assessment tools and links to the online home fire safety checker via the London Fire Brigade website.

Hoarding UK

Hoarding UK is a UK-wide charity that seeks to support people affected by hoarding behaviours. They offer advice and support, alongside advocacy services.

H&F Housing Floating support service

Housing floating support is a free, short-term service to residents in the borough who are having difficulties managing their home, helping to improve your skills and confidence and support individuals to make their own decisions.

Note: Partners also have a duty to notify the council if you think someone you are working with may be homeless or threatened with becoming homeless – access the duty to refer form.

H&F Pest Control

Part of the H&F Environmental Health service, the pest control team can support with residential pests.

For enquiries:

H&F cost-of-living support

H&F council has outlined support available relating to paying energy bills, help with food, benefits and money advice, and much more.

Find out more about cost-of-living-support.

Advocacy services

Libra Partnership provides statutory independent advocacy services in Hammersmith & Fulham. Visit the website or call them on 0333 305 1329.

Advocacy can also be accessed via:

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