Hammersmith & Fulham
Safeguarding Adults Board

What we do

The H&F Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) aims to ensure that all organisations and people who work with adults at risk in Hammersmith & Fulham know about adult safeguarding and know how to respond should they come across a concern.

The SAB does this by coordinating local partnership arrangements to maintain consistent, cohesive partnership working to safeguard adults at risk from harm.

It is important to note that the SAB is not responsible for the delivery of services.

Those who plan and make decisions about services locally have representation on the board and are expected to provide assurance on how services are delivered, and that local safeguarding arrangements are in line with the Care Act 2014 and statutory guidance.

All SABs have 3 core duties.

These are to:

  • develop and publish a strategic plan setting out how they will meet their objectives
  • publish an annual report detailing how effective their work has been
  • commission Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) for any cases that meet the criteria

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