Hammersmith & Fulham
Safeguarding Adults Board

Membership and governance of the board

The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) brings together all the main organisations that work to safeguard ‘adults at risk’.

Our membership includes:

  • LBHF Adult Social Care and Public Health
  • LBHF Housing
  • LBHF Community Safety (including VAWG representation)
  • LBHF Trading Standards
  • Metropolitan Police
  • North West London NHS (Integrated Care Board)
  • London Fire Brigade
  • Probation services
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Chelsea & Westminster NHS Trust
  • West London NHS Trust
  • Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Carers Network
  • Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham
  • Turning Point UK (DAWS)
  • Standing Together
  • Advocacy services
  • HMPS Wormwood Scrubs

The H&F Safeguarding Adults Board seeks to provide leadership and set the strategic direction to ensure there are continuous improvements in adult safeguarding in our borough.

Our strategic priorities for the board are progressed through 2 workstreams that are convened as appropriate, with a minimum of 4 meetings per year. The 2 groups will adopt an emphasis on prevention and co-production throughout their work. There are separate terms of reference for these workstreams.

The Quality in Practice sub-group

This group has been established by the SAB to have strategic overview of, seek assurance on, and support the quality of safeguarding adult activity across the partnership. It has responsibility for developing and reviewing intelligence on how the partnership is safeguarding adults with H&F and to share good practice and recommendations around gaps in service.

The Safeguarding Adults Case Review Group (SACRG)

The group advises the SAB when a review of a case is required involving an adult in its area with needs for care and support, who has died, and is known or suspected that the death resulted from abuse or neglect, or where the person is still alive, but has experienced serious abuse or neglect.

The SACRG will make recommendation to the SAB on the type of review that will best identify the lessons to be learnt from each case and is responsible for applying those lessons to future cases, and ensuring that learning from case work is captured, and shared with all relevant agencies, in order to prevent further avoidable harm and death. These arrangements are designed to meet the requirements of Section 44 of the Care Act 2014.

Find out more about Safeguarding Adults Reviews.

The SAB also seeks to work collaboratively with other partnerships in our borough including the:

  • Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnership
  • Community Safety Partnership
  • Health and Wellbeing Board

We also report to the Health and Adult Social Care Policy Accountability Committee (HASPAC) and H&F Statutory Accountabilities Board.

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